Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dark Souls Equipment Stats Explained


RB / RT Attack Types : What will happen when you press RB/RT when this is equipped in the right hand
Damage Types : Most weapons are a base damage type of only physical. Unique weapons often start off with a little more. These numbers add up. Numbers on the left are base damage from the upgrade level of the weapon (ex : +1 in the weapon's title). The numbers on the right reflect the extra damage added from stat scaling on the weapon.
Backstab/Riposte Multiplier : This is a flat value on the damage you do for a backstab or parry/riposte. There are only a few weapons with anything more than 100. Shields and Whips cannot backstab or riposte.
Stat Scaling: Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Faith. In this order, it is how much more extra damage/benefit your weapon will get from having higher stats. The scaling, worst to best, is  E D C B A S. If a weapon has multiple stat scalings, it will reflect in the right hand column.
Extra Weapon Damage Types: 
Bleed is how high the bleed meter will fill up when a successful hit is landed. Some weapons cause bleed through shields. Mostly all weapons with bleed are at a value of 300. Bleed works as follows : a successful hit fills the meter. The bleed meter fills up fully. A percentage of damage is done to the target. Bleed does absolutely no good unless the target can be bled (and usually hit quickly). Blocked hits cause less bleed. MOSTLY EVERYTHING IN THE GAME EITHER CANNOT BE BLED OR WILL DIE BEFORE IT IS ABLE TO BE BLED.
Poison Damage : This value is much like bleed and fills up a meter. When the gauge is filled, it will cause the target to become poisoned. The damage on the target from poison is VERY small. Poison is the same as bleed; most mobs will die from being hit before it can be poisoned.
Divine Damage: This value is how much damage a weapon enchanted as Divine or Occult will do. It is mostly useless. Only faith-heavy characters should be using Occult/Divine weapons. This value is really only there to tell you it does divine damage.
Chaos Damage: This value is to tell you that the weapon does Chaos damage. Chaos damage is fire damage that increases the more humanity you have banked in the top left corner or the screen. A +10 fire weapon will do nearly as much damage as a Chaos weapon at +5 and 10 humanities. Chaos damage's increase caps at 10 humanity and does not go up.

Required Parameters: These are the stats required to use a weapon. They are Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Faith in that order. YOU MUST MEET DEXTERITY, INTELLIGENCE, AND FAITH REQUIREMENTS OR YOU WILL STAGGER AFTER EVERY TIME YOU HIT SOMETHING. Strength requirements are only there to show what a stats would need to be to wield a weapon with ONE hand. Holding a weapon with two hands (Y) lowers the strength requirement (Or increases your strength depending on how you look at it) to use the weapon effectively. Using a weapon with two hands increases the amount of damage done, but it also increases the amount of stamina used per swing.


Damage Reduction : These are direct percentages that a shield can mitigate on every hit, assuming you have the required stamina to block the full hit.
Physical : this one is the most important. You want at least one shield with this at %100. Most shield ARE 100%. The only shield that is not 100% and worth using extensively is the Grass Crest Shield for its worn ability to increase stamina regeneration
Elemental Resistances : These values are how much damage a shield will mitigate vs any of the elemental types. There are no shields that mitigate 100% of any of these stats. It is good practice to keep an Eagle Shield, Dragon Crest Shield, a Crest Shield and a Black Knight Shield in the inventory, each one mitigates one of these VERY well. Though, you should not be trying to EVER block spells.
Stability: This value is is a relative value, its importance can only be seen when compared to other shields. This stat shows how well a shield mitigates stamina loss on a block. Heavier shields generally have this as a higher stat; therefore most successful blocks with that shield will barely make a dent in stamina.
Required Parameters: These stats are exactly the same as weapon stats.
Durability : Shields' durability is high, but it is still worth repairing them.
Weight: The lower the better. Most shields are 3.0 - 6.0.

Physical Defense: This is the primary amount of armor that is given to the player. The values under this (Strike, Slash, and Thrust) are bits of useless information since there are so many types of enemies with different kinds of attacks. The only value to be concerned with is the top one.
Mag Def: This stat is only relatively important since there are very few places where magic defense is specifically needed, if ever.
Fire Def: This value is the most important out of the elemental resistances. A lot of things do fire damage. You will know when you need armor with this as the highest stat.
Lightning Defense : There are very VERY VERY few enemies that deal lightning damage. This is mostly for PvP, but its usefulness is inconsequential due to Poise.
Poise : This stat is VERY important. Probably the most important stat as far as armor is concerned. It does not mitigate damage, but it does mitigate how hard a hit the player can take before becoming knocked back, knocked down, or staggered in any way. The Wolf Ring can boost this stat up 40 more from its current value. 50-80 is about the right place to have this stat if your character can deal with the weight.
Bleed Resist : These stats are how resistant you are to these kinds of status ailment build ups (How quickly the meter is filled). Bleed resist should be ignored, only a few enemies use attacks that bleed. Most of the better armors have this value fairly high and it is not a stat to consider unless using the Lifehunt Scythe.
Poison Resist : This is little more important, there are a good amount of enemies that use it against you. POISON AND TOXIC are two separate kinds of ailment. Toxic is a super-poison. This resist guards against both. Most armors that have this as a higher stat sacrifice a lot of Poise to have it. It is only worth having a set with a high poison resist if Purple Moss, Flasks or Blossoming Purple Moss is scarce.
Curse Resist : This resistance is hard to find. It is mainly only on the Dingy Robes set. Otherwise it is only raised through having more humanity in the top left corner. Being cursed is horrible. Keep a purging stone around at all times, or the Dingy set...or both.
Durability : These are generally high numbers. Obviously, just repair regularly and you should never have to look at this stat.
Weight : This stat is EXTREMELY important. Armor that weighs a lot generally has the best stats and poise, but the more TOTAL equipped weight the player has on, the slower they will roll. These values are set. The fastest roll speed can be obtained at 25% or less of the equip burden. The equip burden can be increased with more endurance (Strength and Dex to not affect roll speed). The value can be circumvented with Havel's Ring and the Dark Wood Grain Ring. Havel's ring lets the player equip 50% more weight. The Dark Wood Grain Ring allows the player to roll and run at the fastest speed as long as they are under 50% of their total equip burden. Equipping both rings at the same time is possible. The Dark Wood Grain Ring is better than Havel's. It is better to only use the Dark Wood Grain Ring, and one other ring that is not Havel's.

Which Stats Are Which From the Equip Screen


  1. No comments...
    Found via google search; great article and you helped me out a lot. Thank you!

  2. Taking photos of a screen what are you retarded, this is horrible.

  3. Very helpful. dont worry about these babies complains about quality. The message gets across

  4. Hey man this really helped, I have been playing for a few hours and kept wondering what some of the #s were (specifically durability).

  5. I concur. Very useful. Many thanks!

  6. He's comparing 2 weapons, and the one he is comparing to would drop his attack 90 points.

  7. Not quite ... read OP's "damage type" section near the top. -90 is the stat modifier. In this case the wielder does not possess the required 24 strength attribute, so the damage dealt by zweihander is 130-90=40. I assume this number gets closer to zero the closer to 24 Strength you get, and then becomes positive as you go higher.

  8. Really helpful, btw I'm in blighttown by now.

  9. How this game shipped in this condition is a mystery only surpassed by why anyone likes it over 10 year later. Label the numbers? Nah, who care? GIt gud!
